
My morning routine

My morning routine

A morning routine has now become a big topic, it feels like everyone does something for themselves in the morning. To give you inspiration, but also to relieve you of any stress, I have written down my Morning routine for you here.

Little guide to happiness

Little guide to happiness

I am someone who is mostly happy and content with life. In order to inspire you or to offer you new ideas, I have therefore written my little guide to happiness.

Sweden, the way back

Sweden, the way back

In this travel diary, I take you with me on our return journey through Sweden and on our way through Denmark and Germany. 03.07.2023 – Heading home Once again, we got up rather late. Outside, the weather was very rainy and cold, so it was Weiterlesen

Schweden, the search for the best places to stay

Schweden, the search for the best places to stay

In this travel diary I take you with me on our journey through Sweden and our adventurous search for the best camp spots. 06/30/2023 – adventure camp spot search On June 30th we left our last camp spot, almost directly on the lake and all Weiterlesen

Sweden, arrival and first days

Sweden, arrival and first days

Hello and welcome to a new travel diary on our trip to Sweden. I’ll take you with me on our arrival and on our first days in Sweden.

Manifestation of a vision in 5 steps

Manifestation of a vision in 5 steps

In this article I would like to tell you a little bit about how I manifest, what is important to me and what my personal 5 steps are for successful manifesting.

The “Miracle” of Manifestation?

The “Miracle” of Manifestation?

Is manifestation a miracle, can I achieve anything through it without having to do anything for it?

Australia, 4. Week

Australia, 4. Week

Welcome to week four of our travel journal on our trip to Australia. This week is also our last in Australia and we say goodbye to this wonderful country and family. So it’s goin to be a shorter one again.

Australia, 3. Week

Australia, 3. Week

In this blog post I take you with me to our 3rd week in Australia. A week full of good food, quiet moments and relaxation. This week was quieter than the last, which is why this blog post is a little shorter 😊. Monday, 08/29/2022 Weiterlesen

Australia, 2. Week

Australia, 2. Week

In this post I take you to our 2nd week in Australia. From Caboolture to Hervey Bay we drove to Bundaberg and saw and experienced a lot along the way, among other things I can now check off one item on my bucket list, but Weiterlesen

Australia, 1. Week

Australia, 1. Week

Welcome to my travel diary, on our trip to Australia. I’ll take you with me on our experiences and show you our journey from my perspective.

Garden currently

Garden currently

In this post, I’ll tell you a little bit about my gardening year so far, which plans I’ve been able to implement, which ones I haven’t and what I’ve learned so far this year.