Australia, 4. Week

Welcome to week four of our travel journal on our trip to Australia. This week is also our last in Australia and we say goodbye to this wonderful country and family. So it’s goin to be a shorter one again.
Monday, 05.09.2022
Shell Morning
Monday started quietly. I looked at shells from Karen, Max’s grandma, and chose a few for us.
Shells are just perfect, each one on its own. So beautiful to look at and marvel at. I especially love the little ones. They are so small and already so perfect. Even the ones with cracks are beautiful in their own way and can be worn as jewelry, for example. For my locks, for example, I was always looking for ones with a hole 😊.
Beach day
Later we go to the dog stand on Bribie Island with Katrina, Max’s aunt. That was the best trip! We went for a walk on the beach and collected shells and soaked up the impressions. Until the tide pushed us back to the parking lot. This got really adventurous in between, because many washed up trees blocked the way, and we had to wade through the ever higher rising water.

Also, it was super nice to see Rosie, Katrina’s dog, again. A kind-hearted soul who had so much fun on the beach and put a smile on all of our faces.
A really nice last day at the beach, which neither of us will soon forget. But Max and I promised each other to set a timer for walks on the beach and only look for shells for 1/2 hour, otherwise we’d get neck problems at some point 😂.
In addition, of course, we collected rubbish, more than we expected. Therefore, if you are on the beach, and you take something with you, such as shells, please do something good for the beach and the sea at the same time and take your garbage or other garbage with you.
We then got fries and ate at the fish and chip shop. Funnily enough, there was a power outage at the same time, and in the middle of eating, the power came back on. Because of the power outage, we were only able to get food at the fish and chip shop, all the other restaurants were already closed. But all the better that we still managed to eat real Australian fish and chips, or just the chips 😉.
The afternoon was still very quiet, and we enjoyed the time at home.
Tuesday, 06/09/2022
Noosa Heads
On Tuesday we (Krystal, Savannah, Max his sisters and Max and I) planned to go to Noosa Heads to walk along the coast.
So we’re off to Noosa in the morning, as they say colloquially. Noosa is a really beautiful seaside town, but it has changed a lot in recent years. The city was very hectic, crowded and noisy. But once you walked a few steps towards the coast or out of town, everything was peaceful and quiet. A very exciting mix.
So we strolled around town for a bit, had something to eat and then set out to walk along the coast. The view was spectacular and the coastline beautiful. In between even dolphins came to visit us, what a wonderful experience!
Several pictures later we noticed that we needed much longer than expected and then turned around after a good hour and a half and made our way back because Krystal still had to work that same day.
We then went to town for a short time and I found two beautiful dresses. My plan to buy little or no clothes just didn’t work out. I love the style in Australia way too much to be able to do it. Next time I’ll just not even take on such unrealistic things 😂😉.
A Trip down Memory Lane
In the evening, we arranged to meet my former au pair family. It was a really nice visit and we both felt transported back 9 years, even though everything has changed, and the former children are now grown up. We had a really nice evening.
Wednesday, 07/09/2022
Goodbye to the sea
On Wednesday, we were all already in the mood to say goodbye. So Max and I decided to get up very early to see the sunrise on the beach one last time before we left. So we went to Bribie Island and enjoyed the sunrise on the beach there.
Funnily enough, a photo shoot was taking place nearby, the lady was only wearing bikinis and I can tell you, it was damn cold! After the two had gone into the water several times and even lay down in the water, they were overrun by a wave. That was pretty funny, even though I felt really sorry for them at the same time.
Eumundi Markets
After this beautiful morning, we went to the Eumundi Markets. Here we met up with Max, his best friend, Leevi and his family. His grandmother and his two sisters were also there.
Eumundi Markets is a huge market with lots of handicrafts, great music, delicious food and beautiful things.

Instead of one and a half hours as planned, we were there for over 3 hours and let ourselves be carried away by the great flair. There was a different live musician playing on every corner and I fell in love with the decoration, clothing or cosmetics at almost every stand. A real feast for the eyes, this market! So if you’re in the area, the market is every Wednesday and Saturday and definitely worth a visit!
After that, we said goodbye to Savannah. She had to go home because she was back at work on Thursday.
Krystal, Leevi and family then drove with us to a small waterfall. The men could climb and adventure here, and we women relaxed a little.

On the way home, we stopped and got something to eat. Because against our previous experience, Hungry Jacks (like Burger King in Germany) does have a vegan menu to choose from. Of course, we still had to test that 😉.
Here we said goodbye to Leevi and family, at least that’s what we thought at the time.
Back at home, we were all in a somewhat depressed mood, since the farewell was so imminent, and it became increasingly clear to us. After a good argument between Max and I, we were able to talk about it and wept together about the upcoming farewell.
Max then decided to visit Leevi and his family again so that we could say goodbye properly. The visit was nice, and it shows more and more how connected the two are, despite the distance.
Thursday, 08.09.2022
Packing and nicer stuff
Max and I mainly spent Thursday packing, which is why there isn’t much to tell here.
Max and I hid some little things in Karen’s garden so that we can stay with her and if she finds one, she can enjoy it. It’s a nice feeling that we can leave a small part of us there.
In addition, Max sold his motorcycle, which was a real challenge for him. I’m so proud of him for making the decision for himself.
Farewell dinner
In the evening we went to the Northlakes Shopping Center to buy important things like “Pawpaw Cream” (a cream for just about everything, bites, burns, injuries, …) and eye pads with vitamin C 😂. We also had dinner with a large part of the family.
Then we drove to Katrina. Here we said goodbye to her and Max’s cousins. A bittersweet farewell, as she plans to visit us the year after next 😊.
Departure escort
Karen and Krystal then drove us to the airport, and here we met Leevi again. The three then waited with us until we went to security check in.
Our flight then proceeded without complications. The stopover in Singapore was great. We were able to enjoy the butterfly garden again and stretch our legs a little. The flight from Singapore to Frankfurt, on the other hand, was rather difficult to endure, but we managed that as well 😊.

Back on land, we are first home and then on to pick up Koda. We were both dead tired, and I had to relieve Max of the driving, but it was definitely worth seeing again! Such a pleasure to have the little smooch ball with us again, we’ve missed him a lot.
Final thoughts
It was fascinating for me how quickly I can take people to my heart if they are the right ones. The whole family welcomed me so warmly, and I am infinitely grateful for that. At the same time, it tears my heart apart that Max is giving up all of this for me, for our life in Germany.
That’s why I’m all the more grateful for our relationship, which is sometimes so difficult because our hearts are divided in two and is still so special and valuable, or that’s exactly why.
I am so thankful for all the wonderful experiences, adventures and people.
Thank you, Australia, for this trip! It was a celebration for me!
Thanks for reading, love and see you soon,