Help! My mother has Borderline, Part 4

Help! My mother has Borderline, Part 4

In this part of this series, I would like to give you an understanding of the risk and protective factors in children born to mothers with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and show you that there is not just black and white here, but rather colorful Weiterlesen

Help! My mom has borderline, Part 3

Help! My mom has borderline, Part 3

In this article, I would like to explain to you what effects a borderline personality disorder (BPD) in a parent can have on children.

Help! My Mom Has Borderline, Part 2

Help! My Mom Has Borderline, Part 2

How do parents with borderline personality disorder (BPD) behave towards their children? How would you describe their upbringing style? I want to write more about that in this article.

Help! My mom has borderline, Part 1

Help! My mom has borderline, Part 1

“The children of borderline mothers are cursed by the darkness that is withinof their mothers, and that the others often only realize when it is too late.” (LAWSON/KÖSTLIN 2015, p. 29)

From black and white to colourful

From black and white to colourful

As I have already briefly described in the article about me, my path, especially my childhood, was anything but easy for me. In the following lines I will tell you a little more about how my childhood and how I experienced my childhood with a Weiterlesen