Travel journal 02.08.2021

Moin, moin and welcome to our travel diary, day 7, currently in Friedrichskoog.
A wonderful morning
My morning started very comfortably with a round of yoga. This time not alone, but with Hannah, our Nighbour. After that, I added a little workout to it. Since it was quite winding and also rained a little, I sat on the bus to have breakfast there. Koda and Max slept on.
A relaxed midday
The rest of the morning and noon went very calmly. We said goodbye to two (and a half ?) lovely people who we will definitely meet again in their Postbus. We also enjoyed the hammocks and the sunshine.
Max and Lars then went shopping, on their bikes. The two really went out of their way and even drove to a second supermarket to get everything we wanted.
A great afternoon
We then thought about what to do. Since the seal station was closed, we went to Friedrichsstadt. A very beautiful little place about an hour from Friedrichskoog, where we are. The five of us drove in Hannah and Lars’s Golf. That was a really great excursion, and we really enjoyed the town and the tour. A delicious ice cream rounded the whole thing off wonderfully.

An amazing evening

On the way back, we decided that it would be nice to stand closer together with the two T3 Bullis. Unfortunately, the place was already occupied when we came back. But we were able to clarify everything well, and in the end we still found a place next to the two of them. As a small camp, we then set up very comfortably and cooked together. Spaghetti with tomato sauce. We also prepared cinnamon rolls and baked them later in the Omnia – a dream.
We ended the great day by the fire, with light chains and beautiful music, and dreamed of a trip through Sweden. I very much hope that we will implement the plan.
My learnings today:
- There are mainly sheep, wind turbines, wheat and cabbage here
- Camping is where you get to know the best people
- I love campfires and want to make them at home more often
- I really want to go to Sweden
Now I’m going to bed and wish you an equally relaxing evening, morning or day.