What remains…

An acquaintance from work died suddenly last week and was only 25 years old. That made me thoughtful yesterday. What is it that remains when we go?
Whether this is a blog article at all is certainly a matter of debate. But one thing remains, my thoughts on what is when there is nothing more.
Questions to myself
I started asking myself a lot of questions yesterday. While doing yoga in the garden this morning, I noticed that they are still bugging me. And even if this is not a normal blog article, I had the deep need to write down my thoughts, get them out of my head and share them with you. Maybe they make you think too.
- Am I doing my best?
- Do I live my full potential?
- Am I happy?
- Am I satisfied?
- Do I already fulfill my purpose, my task in this world?
- How do I affect the people surrounding me?
- Do I make others happy?
- Am I a good person
- Did I do everything I want?
- Do I live from my heart and from love?
- Can I be proud of who I am?
- What am I doing in this world?
When I think about it like that, do I want to go on living as I have before, or do I want to change something? I haven’t quite reached my answer yet.
What I do know is that my life is fricking great. With a lot of privileges, a lot of love, a lot of satisfaction and happiness. I would probably hardly change anything, except maybe do more of what my heart wants.
Further questions that lead to implementation
Overall, however, the questions gave me more concrete questions, so that I can possibly live more in my heart. Can do more of what is my purpose, maybe even find my purpose.
- What exactly is my best?
- When do I do my best?
- Aren’t I always doing my best anyway?
- What is my potential?
- When do I feel that I am giving everything?
- How can I reach my full potential more often in my everyday life?
- When am I happy?
- What exactly makes me happy?
- Why don’t I do more of what makes me happy?
- How can I do more of what makes me happy?
- What is my purpose anyway, what am I here for?
- How can I accomplish this purpose?
- How do others react to me, and how do I react to others?
- When do I have nice encounters, and when are they not so nice?
- How can I have more nice encounters?
- Which basic attitude do I need in myself, also towards myself, in order to face others?
- How can I make others happy?
- What good can I do for others every day?
- How can I make every day, someone else’s (or many peoples) day better?
- What can I do good for myself and for others?
- How can I live my dreams?
- What can I do for my dreams today?
- When do I feel that I am living with love, from my heart?
- Why don’t I do this more often, what’s stopping me?
- What did I do that I dreamed of?
- What can I be proud of today?
- What did I do well last week?
- What can I proudly look back on over the past year?
- What am I particularly proud of, what have I achieved in particular?
- What did I always want to achieve, and what did I achieve?
- What can I do today to make the world a little better?
Use it for yourself ?
Phew, I know that was anything but easy to digest (and anything but easy to read). But as I said, I had to let these thoughts out of my head and onto „paper“.
I am happy if I was able to initiate a little thought process in you too.
I will now enjoy the rest of the day in the garden, with my loved ones, because I would like to do that more and more carefully.
I also hope you have a wonderful day, evening or morning. Enjoy it like it’s your last.
Because in reality, we never know how long we can live this wonderful life. So stop wishing away your lifetime, thinking about next week, the next vacation or the weekend.
Now, here, today is your life!